School duty
Our school has approximately 480 children and teenagers. All Students gather on the field before the start of lessons and during each break. To ensure order and safety for our students, we need about 20 people to patrol the pitch and other places on the school premises. For this purpose, the help of the Parents / Guardians is necessary.
The fees charged for the education of children are disproportionate to the costs incurred by the school during the school year. Therefore, we organize various types of events aimed at collecting additional funds. Such events include games for adults and children, lotteries and fairs, etc.
You can sign up for school duty hours using the link below (only available in Polish).
Types of duty
Parents / Guardians can choose from the following forms of on-call duty:
1. Nursery and 0-GCSE 2
three Saturday shifts per year and
one on-call assistance in organizing a school event, i.e. games for children, the Academy on November 11 and May 3, Mikołaj, Jasełek or others.
four Saturday shifts at the school shop.
In the case of Saturday's duty, parents / guardians are required to sign up for at least one duty in each semester.
The semesters are as follows:
I-from September to December,
II-from January to March,
III-April to June.
2. A1-A2
help with the school party + 2 cakes
3 cakes without attending a school party.
Please declare which of the above options you prefer. Dates of Saturday's duty and other events can be booked on a dedicated website.
After booking, you will receive a confirmation to the e-mail address provided. All Parents / Guardians are required to know the date of their duty.
If, for any reason, the Parent is unable to meet the deadline, please change the booking. Booked duty hours can be canceled via the link in the confirmation e-mail.
The date of the duty should be changed at least two days in advance. In emergency situations, please report your absence to the duty coordinators .
School duty deposits
All Parents / Guardians are required to pay a deposit of £ 60.00 when admitting a child to the institution. This deposit is retained for the entire period of the student's / student's attendance at the school and is returned after its completion or the resignation notified at least 3 weeks in advance, and only to those Parents / Guardians who have fulfilled the duty to be on duty and have no other financial obligations towards the school.
If the duty is not performed, part of the deposit will not be paid to you:
We will keep a £ 15 deposit for each unfulfilled duty.
We keep a £ 30 deposit for unfulfilled party duty.
We keep the entire deposit for failure to complete 3 or more roster hours.
The deposit can also cover the parent's debts towards the facility.
The money from the retained deposits will be allocated to the activities of the School. Persons who have not fulfilled their duty to complete all shifts in the previous year and whose entire deposit has been retained and children remain at school are required to pay a new deposit of £ 120 and to complete all shifts in the current school year under the penalty of suspending the child. / children in school duties, striking off the list and loss of deposit.
Parent / Guardian Responsibilities on Saturday
The person on duty should arrive at 9.00 am and contact the coordinator or another person from the Management Board.
The main duty of the Parent / Guardian on duty is to help ensure safe learning conditions for students of our school. This applies to classes and breaks between lessons. The duty of the duty officer is to patrol the school during lessons, take breaks and make sure that children do not leave the school building and monitor that third parties do not enter the school during classes without prior entry in the book of visits. on the premises of buildings, among others, in the corridors, stairs, at the main entrance, etc. Among the people on duty there are volunteers from the Management Board with a valid DBS.
In the event of inappropriate behavior of children during the break or any accident, the duty officers are obliged to notify the duty coordinator or first aid.
Each person on duty receives a specific room or room, which will be required to take care of after school. After the lesson is over, the duty staff clean the classrooms, the playground and toilets so that the school is left clean.
The date of the duty should be changed at least two days in advance. If someone does not show up for duty or does not complete it, the appropriate part of the deposit will not be refunded.