Polish Saturday School
Our school is for many a seed of Polishness, in which we not only spread general knowledge about Polish culture, tradition and the Polish language, but above all, we share time together on Saturdays, which is a great opportunity for our students to make and strengthen friendships and talk in the language, which is more and more often for children i young people an inherited, second or subsequent language.
St. Jadwiga The Queen Polish Saturday School Forest Gate-Ilford conducts education for children and adolescents living in Great Britain. 5 lat. Our main goal is to consolidate the sense of Polish identity among children i patriotism, cultivating the Polish language and deepening knowledge of Polish literature, history and geography.
Our school motto
"Docento Discimus:
When we teach, we learn.
By teaching we learn. "
- Seneka the Younger
St. Jadwiga The Queen Polish Saturday School Forest Gate-Ilford is more than just teaching motherly subjects. We value Polish tradition very much and we try to enrich school life through interesting events.

We wish everyone a lot of rest, lots of sunny days,
safe and happy holidays.
New School Year
The ceremonial start of the school year will take place on Saturday
September 7, 2024
Fees please pay to the school bank account . See the data needed to make the transfer.

65th Anniversary of the Polish School
We are exceptionally starting this school year 2021/2022, and its beauty is hidden, among others, in the Jubilee Celebrations
of 65th Anniversary of St. Jadwiga The Queen Polish Saturday School Forest Gate-Ilford. The great celebration of our community will last all year, which will certainly be documented in the school chronicle .
In Great Britain, we are one of the oldest Polish schools in operation, schools which, in the service of the Polish community, recognize the fundamental good as the highest good, i.e. good for children and young people . Tradition I modernisation are the two words that define our facility, a school that wants and is able to meet the expectations of its students. What else defines us? We invite you to read the Pamphlet.
Important links
School classes are held in the building:
The Ursuline Academy
Morland Road, Ilford IG1 4JU

Our school's funds come from school fees, income from school events, school shop and various types of subsidies that we have to apply for ourselves. And that is why we are very grateful for each funding received.

Easy Fundraising
We invite all those who shop online to support the Polish Saturday School.
Below is link to the Easyfundrising website, the website through which we can financially support our school without spending a penny . If you shop online, think about it. Easy Fundraising is a completely safe website and we use it regularly. It costs nothing and we can help our students. We invite you to join!
If any of you would like to support our school financially or otherwise, please contact us.

Easy Fundraising
We invite all those who shop online to support the Polish Saturday School.
Below is link to the Easyfundrising website, the website through which we can financially support our school without spending a penny . If you shop online, think about it. Easy Fundraising is a completely safe website and we use it regularly. It costs nothing and we can help our students. We invite you to join!